Table of Contents

KNet: PowerShell Module


To install the tool executes the following command within a PowerShell shell:

Install-Module -Name MASES.KNetPS

If the above command fails, reporting errors related to authenticode, use the following command:

Install-Module -Name MASES.KNetPS -SkipPublisherCheck


To use the PowerShell interface (KNetPS) runs the following commands within a PowerShell shell:


The following cmdlet must be called prior anything else to initialize the environment:

Start-KNetPS [arguments]

then the user can use objects created using New-KObject and other cmdlets, otherwise it is possible to invoke the desired Main-Class command which automatically executes Start-KNetPS.

Here below two simple examples of producer/consumer from PowerShell. The examples are very minimal, but demonstrate how send to and receive from an Apache Kafka™ cluster. The terms MY_KAFKA_CLUSTER shall be replaced with the address of Apache Kafka™ cluster.


The following snippet builds needed objects to send a record to an Apache Kafka™ cluster:

$prodConfig = New-ProducerConfigBuilder
$prodConfig = $prodConfig.WithBootstrapServers("MY_KAFKA_CLUSTER:9092")
$producer = New-KafkaProducer -KeyClass "System.String" -ValueClass "System.String" -Configuration $prodConfig
$record = New-ProducerRecord -KeyClass "System.String" -Key "MyKey" -ValueClass "System.String" -Value "MyPayload" -Topic "testTopic"
$sendResult = Invoke-Send -Producer $producer -ProducerRecord $record


The following snippet builds needed objects to subscribe to an Apache Kafka™ cluster and receives records from the specified topic:

$builder = New-ConsumerConfigBuilder
$builder = $builder.WithBootstrapServers("MY_KAFKA_CLUSTER:9092")
$builder = $builder.WithGroupId("myGroup")
$builder = $builder.WithClientId("myCLient")
$consumer = New-KafkaConsumer -KeyClass "System.String" -ValueClass "System.String" -Configuration $builder
Invoke-Subscribe -Consumer $consumer -Topic "testTopic"
$results = Invoke-Poll -KeyClass "System.String" -ValueClass "System.String" -Consumer $consumer -PollTimeout 10000
$record = Get-ConsumerRecord -KeyClass "System.String" -ValueClass "System.String" -ConsumerRecords $results

Cmdlets available

KNetPS accepts cmdlets divided by two main groups: Main-Class command cmdlets and Scriptable cmdlets.

Scriptable cmdlets

Here a list of cmdlets usable within a script:

  • New-AdminClientConfigBuilder: creates an AdminClientConfigBuilder object which can be extended using fluent APIs
  • New-ConsumerConfigBuilder: creates a ConsumerConfigBuilder object which can be extended using fluent APIs
  • New-ProducerConfigBuilder: creates a ProducerConfigBuilder object which can be extended using fluent APIs
  • New-KafkaAdminClient: creates a KafkaAdminClient object to invoke administration APIs
  • New-KafkaConsumer: creates a KafkaConsumer object
  • New-KafkaProducer: creates a KafkaProducer object
  • New-KNetConsumer: creates a KNetConsumer object
  • New-KNetProducer: creates a KNetProducer object
  • Invoke-Subscribe: invokes a Subscribe on an instance of KafkaConsumer
  • Invoke-Poll: invokes a Poll on an instance of KafkaConsumer
  • Get-ConsumerRecord: retrieve a ConsumerRecord from the result of Invoke-Poll
  • Get-ConsumerGroupMetadata: retrieve a ConsumerGroupMetadata from an instance of KafkaConsumer
  • Invoke-Unsubscribe: invokes a Unsubscribe on an instance of KafkaConsumer
  • New-ProducerRecord: creates a new instance of ProducerRecord
  • Invoke-Send: sends an instance of ProducerRecord to an instance of KafkaProducer

Main-Class command cmdlets

Here a list of cmdlets which executes well known tasks defined from Apache Kafka™ like you use the scripts available in the Apache Kafka™ release:

  • Start-KNetPS: Initialize the engine and can be the first command to be invoked. The arguments are:
    • Inherited from JnetPS:
      • LicensePath
      • JDKHome
      • JVMPath
      • JNIVerbosity
      • JNIOutputFile
      • JmxPort
      • EnableDebug
      • JavaDebugPort
      • DebugSuspendFlag
      • JavaDebugOpts
      • HeapSize
      • InitialHeapSize
      • LogClassPath
    • Specific of KnetPS:
      • ScalaVersion
      • KafkaJarLocation
      • Log4JPath
      • LogPath
      • DisableJMX
  • New-KObject: Creates a new JVM object of the class specified in argument using the parameters within command line for constructor. The arguments are:
    • Inherited from JnetPS:
      • Class
      • Arguments
    • Specific of KnetPS:
      • ScalaVersion
      • KafkaJarLocation
      • Log4JPath
      • LogPath
  • Start-AclCommand: start AclCommand. The arguments are:
    • All available arguments of Start-KNetPS;
    • Arguments: a string containing the arguments accepted from the Java Main-Class
  • Start-BrokerApiVersionsCommand: start BrokerApiVersionsCommand. The arguments are:
    • All available arguments of Start-KNetPS;
    • Arguments: a string containing the arguments accepted from the Java Main-Class
  • Start-ConfigCommand: start ConfigCommand. The arguments are:
    • All available arguments of Start-KNetPS;
    • Arguments: a string containing the arguments accepted from the Java Main-Class
  • Start-ConsumerGroupCommand: start ConsumerGroupCommand. The arguments are:
    • All available arguments of Start-KNetPS;
    • Arguments: a string containing the arguments accepted from the Java Main-Class
  • Start-DelegationTokenCommand: start DelegationTokenCommand. The arguments are:
    • All available arguments of Start-KNetPS;
    • Arguments: a string containing the arguments accepted from the Java Main-Class
  • Start-DeleteRecordsCommand: start DeleteRecordsCommand. The arguments are:
    • All available arguments of Start-KNetPS;
    • Arguments: a string containing the arguments accepted from the Java Main-Class
  • Start-FeatureCommand: start FeatureCommand. The arguments are:
    • All available arguments of Start-KNetPS;
    • Arguments: a string containing the arguments accepted from the Java Main-Class
  • Start-LeaderElectionCommand: start LeaderElectionCommand. The arguments are:
    • All available arguments of Start-KNetPS;
    • Arguments: a string containing the arguments accepted from the Java Main-Class
  • Start-LogDirsCommand: start LogDirsCommand. The arguments are:
    • All available arguments of Start-KNetPS;
    • Arguments: a string containing the arguments accepted from the Java Main-Class
  • Start-MetadataQuorumCommand: start MetadataQuorumCommand. The arguments are:
    • All available arguments of Start-KNetPS;
    • Arguments: a string containing the arguments accepted from the Java Main-Class
  • Start-ReassignPartitionsCommand: start ReassignPartitionsCommand. The arguments are:
    • All available arguments of Start-KNetPS;
    • Arguments: a string containing the arguments accepted from the Java Main-Class
  • Start-TopicCommand: start TopicCommand. The arguments are:
    • All available arguments of Start-KNetPS;
    • Arguments: a string containing the arguments accepted from the Java Main-Class
  • Start-ZkSecurityMigrator: start ZkSecurityMigrator. The arguments are:
    • All available arguments of Start-KNetPS;
    • Arguments: a string containing the arguments accepted from the Java Main-Class
  • Start-KafkaStart: start KafkaStart. The arguments are:
    • All available arguments of Start-KNetPS;
    • Arguments: a string containing the arguments accepted from the Java Main-Class
  • Start-ZooKeeperShell: start ZooKeeperShell. The arguments are:
    • All available arguments of Start-KNetPS;
    • Arguments: a string containing the arguments accepted from the Java Main-Class
  • Start-ZooKeeperStart: start ZooKeeperStart. The arguments are:
    • All available arguments of Start-KNetPS;
    • Arguments: a string containing the arguments accepted from the Java Main-Class
  • Start-MetadataShell: start MetadataShell. The arguments are:
    • All available arguments of Start-KNetPS;
    • Arguments: a string containing the arguments accepted from the Java Main-Class
  • Start-ClusterTool: start ClusterTool. The arguments are:
    • All available arguments of Start-KNetPS;
    • Arguments: a string containing the arguments accepted from the Java Main-Class
  • Start-ConsoleConsumer: start ConsoleConsumer. The arguments are:
    • All available arguments of Start-KNetPS;
    • Arguments: a string containing the arguments accepted from the Java Main-Class
  • Start-ConsoleProducer: start ConsoleProducer. The arguments are:
    • All available arguments of Start-KNetPS;
    • Arguments: a string containing the arguments accepted from the Java Main-Class
  • Start-ConsumerPerformance: start ConsumerPerformance. The arguments are:
    • All available arguments of Start-KNetPS;
    • Arguments: a string containing the arguments accepted from the Java Main-Class
  • Start-DumpLogSegments: start DumpLogSegments. The arguments are:
    • All available arguments of Start-KNetPS;
    • Arguments: a string containing the arguments accepted from the Java Main-Class
  • Start-GetOffsetShell: start GetOffsetShell. The arguments are:
    • All available arguments of Start-KNetPS;
    • Arguments: a string containing the arguments accepted from the Java Main-Class
  • Start-MirrorMaker: start MirrorMaker. The arguments are:
    • All available arguments of Start-KNetPS;
    • Arguments: a string containing the arguments accepted from the Java Main-Class
  • Start-ProducerPerformance: start ProducerPerformance. The arguments are:
    • All available arguments of Start-KNetPS;
    • Arguments: a string containing the arguments accepted from the Java Main-Class
  • Start-ReplicaVerificationTool: start ReplicaVerificationTool. The arguments are:
    • All available arguments of Start-KNetPS;
    • Arguments: a string containing the arguments accepted from the Java Main-Class
  • Start-StorageTool: start StorageTool. The arguments are:
    • All available arguments of Start-KNetPS;
    • Arguments: a string containing the arguments accepted from the Java Main-Class
  • Start-StreamsResetter: start StreamsResetter. The arguments are:
    • All available arguments of Start-KNetPS;
    • Arguments: a string containing the arguments accepted from the Java Main-Class
  • Start-TransactionsCommand: start TransactionsCommand. The arguments are:
    • All available arguments of Start-KNetPS;
    • Arguments: a string containing the arguments accepted from the Java Main-Class
  • Start-VerifiableConsumer: start VerifiableConsumer. The arguments are:
    • All available arguments of Start-KNetPS;
    • Arguments: a string containing the arguments accepted from the Java Main-Class
  • Start-VerifiableProducer: start VerifiableProducer. The arguments are:
    • All available arguments of Start-KNetPS;
    • Arguments: a string containing the arguments accepted from the Java Main-Class
  • Start-MirrorMaker2: start MirrorMaker2. The arguments are:
    • All available arguments of Start-KNetPS;
    • Arguments: a string containing the arguments accepted from the Java Main-Class