Table of Contents

The Docker images produced from this repository uses, as base image, the one available at (latest is Within GitHub Container Registry you can find many legal information, specifically read carefully the following before use the image:

KNet: Docker images

.NET suite for Apache Kafka� comes with a ready made Docker image can work in multiple modes, the image name is knet:

The container image can work in multiple modes based on the environment variable KNET_DOCKER_RUNNING_MODE:

  • KNET_DOCKER_RUNNING_MODE not existent or empty: the image expect to run in command-line mode and it is the default behavior. The Docker image invokes the command-line module KNetCLI using the same commands available in KNet CLI usage:

    • With the following:

    docker run -it knet [commands]

    • the Docker image will issue the command:

    dotnet /app/MASES.KNetCLI.dll $@

  • The image can run ZooKeeper� node and/or Apache Kafka� broker node using specific values for KNET_DOCKER_RUNNING_MODE:

    • KNET_DOCKER_RUNNING_MODE=zookeeper: starts a ZooKeeper� node, defaults to run a standalone ZooKeeper� exposing on port 2181

      • the Docker image will issue the command:

      dotnet /app/MASES.KNetCLI.dll zookeeperstart -Log4JConfiguration /app/config_container/ /app/config_container/

    • KNET_DOCKER_RUNNING_MODE=broker: starts an Apache Kafka� broker node, defaults to run a standalone broker exposing on port 9092

      • the Docker image will issue the command:

      dotnet /app/MASES.KNetCLI.dll kafkastart -Log4JConfiguration /app/config_container/ /app/config_container/

    • KNET_DOCKER_RUNNING_MODE=server: starts, within the container, both a ZooKeeper� node and an Apache Kafka� broker node, it defaults to run exposing ZooKeeper� on port 2181 and Apache Kafka� broker on port 9092; the image can add, or update, configuration variables of ZooKeeper� and Apache Kafka� using the same pattern of previous points.

  • The image can run Apache Kafka� in KRaft mode using specific values for KNET_DOCKER_RUNNING_MODE:

    • KNET_DOCKER_RUNNING_MODE=kraft-broker: starts a Apache Kafka� as broker node

      • the Docker image will issue the command:

      dotnet /app/MASES.KNetCLI.dll kafkastart -Log4JConfiguration /app/config_container/ /app/config_container/kraft/

    • KNET_DOCKER_RUNNING_MODE=kraft-controller: starts a Apache Kafka� as controller node

      • the Docker image will issue the command:

      dotnet /app/MASES.KNetCLI.dll kafkastart -Log4JConfiguration /app/config_container/ /app/config_container/kraft/

    • KNET_DOCKER_RUNNING_MODE=kraft-server: starts a Apache Kafka� as server node

      • the Docker image will issue the command:

      dotnet /app/MASES.KNetCLI.dll kafkastart -Log4JConfiguration /app/config_container/ /app/config_container/kraft/

  • The image can run both Apache Connect and KNet Connect using specific values for KNET_DOCKER_RUNNING_MODE:

    • KNET_DOCKER_RUNNING_MODE=knet-connect-standalone: starts, within the container, a standalone KNet Connect instance

      • the Docker image will issue the command:

      dotnet /app/MASES.KNetConnect.dll -s -k -Log4JConfiguration /app/config_container/ /app/config_container/ /app/config_container/

    • KNET_DOCKER_RUNNING_MODE=connect-standalone: starts, within the container, a standalone Apache Connect instance

      • the Docker image will issue the command:

      dotnet /app/MASES.KNetConnect.dll -s -Log4JConfiguration /app/config_container/ /app/config_container/ /app/config_container/

      • the image can add, or update, configuration variables of and using the same pattern of knet-connect-standalone:
    • KNET_DOCKER_RUNNING_MODE=knet-connect-standalone-server: starts, within the container, a ZooKeeper� node and an Apache Kafka� broker node like in server, then starts the same command of knet-connect-standalone; this is an autonoumous instance can be used for development or any other possible usage

      • the image can add, or update, configuration variables of using the same pattern of zookeeper, broker and knet-connect-standalone
    • KNET_DOCKER_RUNNING_MODE=connect-standalone-server: starts, within the container, a ZooKeeper� node and an Apache Kafka� broker node like in server, then starts the same command of connect-standalone; this is an autonoumous instance can be used for development or any other possible usage

      • the image can add, or update, configuration variables of using the same pattern of zookeeper, broker and connect-standalone
    • KNET_DOCKER_RUNNING_MODE=knet-connect-distributed: starts, within the container, a distributed KNet Connect instance

      • the Docker image will issue the command:

      dotnet /app/MASES.KNetConnect.dll -d -k -Log4JConfiguration /app/config_container/ /app/config_container/

    • KNET_DOCKER_RUNNING_MODE=connect-distributed: starts, within the container, a distributed Apache Connect instance

      • the Docker image will issue the command:

      dotnet /app/MASES.KNetConnect.dll -d -Log4JConfiguration /app/config_container/ /app/config_container/

      • the image can add, or update, configuration variables of connect-distributed.propertiesusing the same pattern of knet-connect-distributed:
    • All previous commands use a single configuration file for logging; the image can add, or update, configuration variables of using the following pattern for environment variables: