KNet: Command line switches available
knet accepts the following command-line switches:
- ClassToRun: represents the class to be executed; the list is:
- Administration scope:
- AclCommand
- BrokerApiVersionsCommand
- ConfigCommand
- ConsumerGroupCommand
- DelegationTokenCommand
- DeleteRecordsCommand
- FeatureCommand
- LeaderElectionCommand
- LogDirsCommand
- MetadataQuorumCommand
- ReassignPartitionsCommand
- TopicCommand
- ZkSecurityMigrator
- Server scope:
- KafkaStart
- ZooKeeperShell
- ZooKeeperStart
- Shell scope:
- MetadataShell
- Tools scope:
- ClusterTool
- ConsoleConsumer
- ConsoleProducer
- ConsumerPerformance
- DumpLogSegments
- GetOffsetShell
- MetadataQuorumCommand
- MirrorMaker
- ProducerPerformance
- ReplicaVerificationTool
- StorageTool
- StreamsResetter
- TransactionsCommand
- VerifiableConsumer
- VerifiableProducer
- Connect scope:
- ConnectDistributed: moved to KNetConnect (see KNetConnect)
- ConnectStandalone: moved to KNetConnect (see KNetConnect)
- KNetConnectDistributed: available into KNetConnect (see KNetConnect)
- KNetConnectStandalone: available into KNetConnect (see KNetConnect)
- MirrorMaker2
- Administration scope:
- KafkaLocation: represents the path to the root folder of Apache Kafka™ binary distribution; default value consider that KNetCLI uses the Apache Kafka™ jars available under the jars folder prepared from the package;
- ScalaVersion: the scala version to be used. The default version (2.13.6) is binded to the deafult Apache Kafka™ version available in the package;
- Log4JConfiguration: the log4j configuration file; the default uses the file within the package;
- LogPath: the path where the logs are stored;
- DisableJMX: disable JMX, JMX is enabled by default.
Plus it accepts from:
- JNet:
- LogClassPath: put in command line the switch to output all Jars found
- JCOBridge:
- All command-line switches of JCOBridge available at
JVM identification
One of the most important command-line switch is JVMPath: see KNet usage to find more information.