Table of Contents

Namespace MASES.KNet.Streams.Utils


Function<V, KO>

KNet implementation of Function<V, KO, TJVMV, TJVMKO>

Function<V, KO, TJVMV, TJVMKO>

KNet implementation of Function<TObject, TReturn>

KStreamConsumer<K, V>

KNet implementation of KStreamConsumer<K, V, TJVMK, TJVMV>

KStreamConsumer<K, V, TJVMK, TJVMV>

KNet implementation of Consumer<TObject> over KStream<K, V>

KStreamFunction<K, V>

KNet implementation of KStreamFunction<K, V, TJVMK, TJVMV>

KStreamFunction<K, V, TJVMK, TJVMV>

KNet implementation of Function<TObject, TReturn> over KStream<K, V>